Sunday, January 16, 2011

ive had alot of unwanted ghosts looming over me these past few days. people that are out of my life for numerous reason but it seems this week i cant stop hearing about them. its not that i dont want the people around me to not be friends with them i just want to sit in my own world and pretend they arent around at all. With this ive heard alot of stuff they've said about me to my friends, and that stings a bit i know what its like to be in their postion and have to listen to it and not know what to do. but it makes me think if we had such a falling out to the point you "hate" me then why are you asking about me why are you trying to see what im up to just stay out of my life please. i dont want to hear about how you dis me and say im such a horrible person. i have enough self confidence issues and friend issues and issues with you and what we went through i dont need you brain washing my friends into thinking those things too. cause alot of what you say is so not true on my side. you didnt know what i was thinking so stop insinuating. it throws little dagggers at me. and i dont need this right now. ive heard alot about what people have said about me or say about me. and some of it isnt so good and so i sit hear and wonder if thats what some people are thinking people that are close to me or were close to me than what am i doing wrong? what bugs me is no one will stand up and say hey this what your doing its not cool. but instead lets them find out that youve been complaining about it other people. hows anything going to get solved? and yes ive done it myself and its not right. but its also protects the person in a way. i dont know its all so confusing right now and im just not sure how to make things out.

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