Tuesday, March 15, 2011

tribute to us

Ive been analyzing lately. alot and i think this time it worked in my favor.
Ive looked at our friendship and starred and thought how in the hell did we get here?
How do we fit together? Why do we conitue to try to make something work that seemingly isn't? and part of it is the past wondering how long it takes for you to leave too. and part of it is general curiosity. our personalities are so different.... we mesh, not all the time but we make it work. we have been through alot together. and we know alot about each other. we went from complete stangers to friends in 24 hours. we've spend a month on opposite sides of the world, we stopped talking, wanted to punch each other in the face, injured each other, cried together, bickered non stop. and now we are we? we dont talk much, but you know thats life, it gets in the way. i know i have alot going on, and so do you, but you know whats great? that after all that its not awkward, whether is two hours or two months without each other it goes back to normal.
ive been thinking about our friendship for a very long time and i get parnoid that we will go our seperate ways but if we havent already maybe we wont. we know each other pretty well, and we may not be "best friends" but thats ok cause we are sisters and we resemble family more than anything so i think its perfect. i have a past and its not going to change, life has obstacles and whether they are big or small im going to have to deal with them and i may not deal with them the same, its already changing. but i know that if i'm having a melt down and you can you will do your best to help me. im always going to paranoid that ill loose you as much as that drives you crazy, and its cause i love you. and i dont want to loose you.
i think there is something that has been pushing us to stay friends, and call me crazy but i think people are put in our lives for a reason, good or bad to help us make life easier and to teach us lessons. and as much as we may bicker or argue i think we were supposed to stumble upon each other...no matter how weird we did. whether we stay friends for a very long time or not i couldnt say but at least i can say that i was able to have this friendship in the first place. life is in action for us right now and its going to get crazy these few years it already has been but i hope that as we move on we can still keep the openness that weve always had with each other. i dont know i guess all this has been on my mind and i was hard to say or even type for a while, and i know its all cheezy and blah blah blah but take it as you will, and just know i love you, sisters. friends. accomplises. anything.

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