Monday, September 19, 2011

la di da

have you ever seen that moment when you are the happiest you think youll ever be? and its amazing like everything is finally falling into place maybe not completely perfect or the way you imagined but yet you're still happy. then theres the moment where you dont know where it all went wrong all of a sudden it does seem so great, that there's this black cloud following you and you dont know how to fix it or why its even there. its the feeling in the pit of your stomach that everything is about to go horribly wrong and there's nothing you can do to stop it, but yet you dont even know where its going to come from. its a horribe feeling. it makes you feel hopeless and helpless. and sad. but then there's that moment when you were completely wrong and you feel like an idoit for ever thinking it was about to be horrible. well i sure hope its the last one cause ive had the first feeling and i would give anything to get it back.

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