Sunday, August 23, 2009

to you: who may have saved me

i dont know how or why it started, i used to listen to music just to end bordom, but as my complusive music listening friend started to shopw me lyrics to songs i didnt know , and some i knew i realized what music really was was a story. I've honestly become obsessed with music, it is now a huge part of my life. I have many friends talented in the music department and i envy them quite alot. Many of my friends think im crazy cause i listen to so much music, but really it hekps me see things for what they are and escape my life for a few moments. on my trip i had many opportunities to plug in my ipod, and alot of memories would come rushing back...some made me laugh others would make me miss home more than anything.

I think i tend to tie music in with things that are happening on in my life ...i havent decided if this is good or bad yet? one of my friends has an inquiery ball and as i read it to my self in the back seat thinking of many things i can across a question "would you rather have your cell phone or music?" I didnt know how to answer this, my phone is my life line to a promise ive made to so many people and myself.. but music is my moment of peace or that chance for another memory. i still dont have an answer and maybe i never will but i know how much they both mean to me.
to be honest music has been one of the reason ive made it through this year.

so to that music obsessed friend of mine i thank you endlessly i dont think you realize how much you have helped me momentdirectly and indirectly...and neither did i till this moment. i love you <3

Sunday, August 2, 2009

so im in kelowna this weekend and its very pretty up here, i was sitting in the hammock late last night listening to music and just thinking of my friends when my step mom came out calling me and i though oh man shes gunna make me go to bed. but to my surprise she was telling about this forest fire that is gettin goutta hand and how she wants us to go check it out. i never thought these words would come of her mouth and i was excited but scared at the ssame time.

it wasnt til my uncle told me that it was across the lake, so we were in no harm. so we went on this ad venture my step mom my dad my uncle and i. when we finally reaached the perfect spot i sat in the back of the truck watching this giant fire take over the hill. i couldnt believe that we were sitting here watching this harmfull thing, but at the same time no one was getting hurt and there was nothing they could do to stop the fire at night.

i had never seen anything that huge in my life and it is deffinately something i will remember forever. we didnt get home till like 130 in the morning but it was well worth it. i wish that more people were up late that night so i could explain to them this fire but i had a few of my best friends up and it felt like they were right with me. i miss everyone so much and cant wait to get back. love forever ady :)